Thursday, August 11, 2005

The independent saga

[I wrote this last evening, but I was too fried, and lacked the energy to post it then.]

Today was truly a good day in the life of RiverVision Press and the saga of its first book, When Towns Had Teams. While the day consisted of its usual early start (around 5 A.M.) and I’m still banging away at the keyboard some 14 or more hours later, a lot was accomplished, today.

Needing a photo for my back cover, but as usual, waiting until the last minute, I wasn’t sure I could secure a professional photo. I needn’t have worried. Having a good friend and portrait photographer extraordinaire, I was able to call her, and we did a photo shoot at the baseball field at Deering Oaks. This was all arranged the day before. In about 20 minutes, my photographer had filled a roll of film and I’ll see the photos tomorrow. I’m excited about several that we took that I think are going to be great.

Once more, my cover design has been pushed to the foreground as I’ve tarried completing my manuscript edits, proofs, and formatting. Once again, a phone call and conversation has brought me close to having a book cover that will complement my manuscript.

While RiverVision Press might be small, don’t count us out. Having a support network of photographers, web designers (and I haven’t even touched on the marketing arm of the operation) gives us the ability to do things that earlier seemed daunting, if not impossible.

I can only imagine what the future will bring, once I really get the knack of independent publishing.

I’ve had another full day, and I know sleep will be sweet and deep.

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