Monday, February 21, 2005

Best blogs don't like criticism

While many awards for best band, best pizza, and even best blog, mean little or nothing, I am a bit put off by the constant trawling for votes many bloggers have been promoting via their weblogs.

A blog that received Time Magazine's "blog of the year" award for their right-wing cheerleading, apparently doesn't take kindly to the criticism of other bloggers.

Minnesota Politics recounts a recent email and the virulent response from the folks at Powerline to being called on their lack of objectivity regarding all things conservative.

I guess this is a pretty good indication that being named the "best of" doesn't mean much when it comes to a grasp on the issues and facts surrounding them.

I'm off to the northern hinterlands of Maine to cover some basketball, and welcoming the downtime from politics and other national matters.


Wisdom Weasel said...

Fun link to the Powerline brouhaha... Conservative tourettes at its predictable usual level. I think they have hired Matt Stone and Trey Parker to script talking points for them...

Still, at least they stand for moral values, eh?

Jim said...

Yeah, "moral" in their own little twisted universe.

Popularity rarely equates to quality; you as much as anyone is aware of that from your music writing. There are countless bands and artists immeasurably more talented than the latest "flavor of the week", but their music is known by a small circle only.

There was talk that the technology of the web would level the playing field, but I haven't found that to be true.

Mediocrity still seems to be the rage.