Friday, February 04, 2005

Mr President: Honor your words!

Yesterday, President Bush was in Fargo, North Dakota, seeking to build support for his plan to dismantle Social Security. The fact that the president was out on the stump for another one of his policies designed to hurt and take away the future of working-class Americans, is not necessarily newsworthy. What was of interest to many free-speech advocates, was the blacklisting of dozens of Fargo citizens from attending his speech in that city. Included on the list of citizens denied access to this public event was a producer for the admittedly, left-leaning Ed Schultz program, as well as a local city commissioner, who has been an outspoken critic of the president.

This continues a familiar pattern of Bush events leading to the exclusion, or harassment of those who oppose our Fuhrer and his failed policies. Over the past year, we've seen several incidents of Bush appearances being tightly-controlled and choreographed, to avoid any appearance of dissent in proximity to the king.

--A man is arrested and charged for holding a small “No War” sign at the January Inaugural.

--The mother of a soldier killed in Iraq is ejected, arrested and charged while attending a rally for Laura Bush in September.

--Across the country, citizens are removed from public sidewalks because “the President had requested a federal protection zone."

--throughout the campaign season, opponents of Bush were routinely denied entrance to campaign events, from Maine to California.

My question for the President is this; in your coronation address, when you talked about freedom and liberty and the importance of democracy around the world, did you not include the same privileges for the citizens of your own country? Obviously you didn't, as your actions sir, speak volumes about just what kind of country you have in mind. I think your limited abilities at comprehension led you to mistake the meaning of democracy, with the definition of plutocracy. How else would anyone explain the wall of security and protection that you've erected around yourself?

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