While our southern brethren (in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut) always are six weeks ahead of us in spring warmth, and growing capacity, this time of the year is when the playing field gets leveled, and visitors begin flocking northward.
In addition to summer, this begins a busy time for me, and the subsequent release of my new book, Moxietown.
Currently, it awaits me at the printer, and I’ll be picking up copies on Monday morning. I had hoped to have them yesterday, but I had other Moxietown matters to attend to.
Yesterday afternoon, I was at WCSH to tape an interview with Rob Caldwell, for the station’s 207 program. Caldwell co-anchors the station’s locally-produced magazine show, which highlights local authors, musicians, and pseudo-celebrities, but more and more, nationally-known entertainers, and others, with ties to Maine are now appearing on the show. In fact, I learned that this program is the only local program of its type in the country.

I first appeared on the program back in 2005, for When Towns Had Teams. Since then, landing a slot has become increasingly competitive, so I was pleased to have the chance to talk about the book, and the upcoming Moxie Festival, in Lisbon Falls. 207 producer, Becki Smith, informed me that my interview will run Wednesday, July 9, just prior to the festival. The program airs at 7:00 pm.
Speaking of the Moxie Festival, which takes place July 11-13, in my hometown, I’ll be at Frank Anicetti’s Kennebec Fruit Company (aka, the Moxie Store) on Friday, July 11, signing copies of Moxietown, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. I’ll be signing in the very spot where Frank Potter sat, during the event, back in 1982 that launched the entire Moxie phenomenon, now known at the Moxie Festival. I’ll then make my way uptown to the Lisbon Historical Society, to be on hand for their evening open house, at 6:00.
The day before, you’ll find me in Waldoboro, at one of Maine’s summer tourist destinations, Moody’s Diner. I’ll be there with the New England Moxie Congress for their annual day of Moxie memorabilia, Moxie Horsemobiles, and other related items that pay tribute, and promote one of the world’s most unique drinks. This is the initial event for the Congress, as they descend on Maine for four days of celebration, and spreading the good news of Moxie. I’ll have books with me, and once again, I’ll be signing, and hoping to meet folks interested in the book, as well as the history of Moxie.
On Saturday, RiverVision Press will be set up on Main Street, just up from the Moxie Store, selling copies of Moxietown, as well as remaining copies of When Towns Had Teams. If you’re in town for the festival, please stop by and say “hi.” I enjoy Moxie each year, as I see people from high school, and my past that I wouldn’t get to catch up with, otherwise. It’s become a special day every year, as 20,000 people (and sometimes more) descend on Lisbon Falls to pay tribute to Moxie, and all things orange. This year is really special as it is the town’s 25th anniversary of the festival.
There may be other events that come along, and when they do, I’ll pass them on via this blog. Lastly, I have another Moxietown excerpt posted here.

[Be on the lookout for the official RiverVision pace car on Maine's highways and by-ways, this summer]