Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Security freaks love kiddie porn

Apparently spying on fellow U.S. citizens isn't time consuming enough, as the fourth-ranking official in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had ample time to engage his predilections in kiddie porn.

In a twist with Foucaldian ramifications, an agency assigned the role of protecting Americans from terrorism, is staffed by individuals who don't see the harm in violating the sanctum of childhood.

Brian Doyle, Homeland Security's spokesperson, was put on administrative leave with pay, as investigations began into allegations that he solicited a minor on line. Authorities indicated that Doyle sent pornographic movie clips, as well as non-sexual photos of himself, to a 14-year-old female.

Apparently, one of the photos, released by the sheriff's office, shows Doyle in what appears to be DHS headquarters. He is wearing a Homeland Security pin on his lapel and a lanyard that says "

We all should be asking hard questions of our rulers, particularly when they arrogantly assume they have some G-d-given right to rule over us. What human frailty are they lacking that makes them worthy to spy on us, confiscate civil liberties and run roughshod over us.

Obviously, men like Doyle are no better than you and I and I make the case that he and his fellow perverts and twisted lot fall far short of most of the citizens that they think they need to keep an eye on.


Wisdom Weasel said...

It appears that, in the words of Colonel "Bat" Guano from Dr. Strangelove that the defense of our nation is indeed in the hands of "deviated preverts."

Nice to see that the Feds have secured their own computer networks and properly screened their folks before they set out to wire tap folks and subpoena internet search records.

Man, I miss the good old days, when the head of the FBI was an old fashioned red white and blue crossdresser. You have to laugh, or else you'll die crying.

Jim said...

I choose laughter, at least today. Check out my latest post on KOTNC, for a good gutbuster.