Saturday, October 27, 2012

If you've managed to find your way to this site, you obviously can see that I'm no longer updating it. Just another one of the abandoned blogs that litter my writing past.

An old friend of mine once commented that he couldn't find his way back to a post he had stumbled upon because I had "so many damn blogs." Some people collect cars, trophy wives, and other accoutrements of American privilege. Lacking that capacity, I collect blogs.

My newest blog and one I hope has a run like this one is located at the Jim Baumer Experience. It's where I'm posting what I have to say from here on out. I hope you'll become a regular over there.

I've loved posting here and in fact, it's where I cut my blogging teeth. I still find my way back here from time to time to follow the bread crumbs of my writing back to an earlier time, checking on my views and things I was thinking about at the time, five, six, and even eight years ago.

An example of a former post that I've been going back to regularly is this one, a piece that I consider one of my best, at least on politics.
